IntroductionDetailed below are some modifications I've made to my Sequential Circuits Pro-One synthesizer. In the early 1980s, I had defaced my Pro-One by adding a PAIA Veloci-Touch controller (details given in the February 1983 issue of Polyphony). I was never all that happy with the Veloci-Touch, and so I decided to replace it with something more applicable to my needs that made use of the holes already drilled in the panel. At the same time, I installed a Kenton MIDI interface (which works great) and made a small enhancement to it as well. Modification Summary:
The circuitry fits on one tiny Rat Shack board. The pots, rotary switches, and slide switches are mounted on the plastic casing between the main panel and the keyboard. |
DetailsI've split the details and schematics onto four pages. You'll need the Pro-One schematics to make sense of these mods. |
PicturesThe two boards near the back of the synth are for the Kenton MIDI interface. The ugly board nearest the keyboard is the Rat Shack board I used to build these mods. I had to lower the rear of the keyboard so that the contacts from the rotary switches would not touch the metal supports at the back of the keys. I did this by replacing the two rear keyboard standoffs with ones that were an eighth of an inch shorter. I added a panel legend to the two slide switches for the filter envelope inverters, but never got around to adding a legend for the 8 pots and rotary switches. Here's a cheat sheet that I use to remember what the knobs are for. I used Letraset press on lettering to create the borders and the panel legend. (Ignore the legend along the left side, that is leftover from the Veloci-Touch.)
Sound SamplesHere are some sounds that make use of these modifications. A splash of reverb has been added to each track.